Bright*Ideas Enterprises


Safety Products & Horse Tack


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Please Click on the PRODUCTS Link above to see the personal safety strobe lights for horseback riding, dog walking pet lights, bicycle lights, retro-reflective hats and strobe lights for people, retro-reflective sewable tape strips for jogging, hiking and walking fitness apparel, and retro-reflective Reflexite brand V82 Classic conspicuity tape for trailers and trucks by the roll or by the foot. 

Pedestrians & Equestrians

Be seen by traffic!


Please note that this is a one person business, and some of the items are handmade here in my home.  Our family members have used these recreational safety items since 1998, and I think this website has a few unique items that people can use for their horses and pets.  

To Order Online I accept Paypal.

I accept a Postal Money Order for phone orders, no credit cards.  I will tell you the cost with postage and you will need to mail the postal money order to me. I will add sales tax for Washington State residents @ 8.3%.

Look for these strobe lights and horse tack occasionally on EBAY!  


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Please e-mail  with any questions you might have!

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Contact Information


509-529-8018  By Phone: We accept postal money orders only, no credit cards.
Postal address
1577 Beet Road Rt.
          Walla Walla, Washington  99362  USA
Electronic mail
General Information:




Bright*Ideas Enterprises is a "Women Owned Business"

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